abram games
'I wind the spring and the public, in looking at the poster, will have that spring released in its mind.'
Abram Games was one of the twentieth century’s great graphic designers. His work is now a fascinating record of social history. For over 60 years he produced some of Britain’s most memorable images including the ‘Blonde Bombshell’ ATS poster of 1941.
His clients included the United Nations, London Transport, British Airways, Shell, the Financial Times and Guinness. He designed stamps for Britain, Jersey and Israel, book jackets for Penguin books and emblems for the Festival of Britain and the Queen’s Award for Industry. His influence even reached the infant television service in 1953 when he created the first animated BBC on-screen ident.
In the Second World War he was appointed 'Official War Poster Artist' and designed 100 posters. His Cona Coffee makers are design classics and his inventions include a portable hand-held duplicating machine and a hand held copying device.